daily news magazine
editor Fabio Bonacina

27998 news from 8/3/2003

press releases

date title file
17/03/2023 An important award from FEPA (Federation of European Philatelic Associations) on the occasion of "Vaccari news" 20 years pdf file
06/03/2023 Let’s celebrate the 20 years of “Vaccari news” together, on 8 March from 9 p.m., via Zoom pdf file
21/11/2022 “Vaccari news - philately in real time”: 25,000 news published from 8 March 2003 pdf file
08/03/2021 The daily web-magazine “Vaccari news” is eighteen years old pdf file
27/11/2018 The two periodicals by Vaccari: 30 and 15 years with large gold medal pdf file
11/03/2015 New App for Androids. Vaccari news, philately in real time, is SOCIAL! pdf file
03/04/2013 The “app” has arrived. “Vaccari news, philately in real time” pdf file
08/03/2013 “Vaccari news” on-line since 8 March 2003. 10,000 news in 10 years pdf file
09/11/2012 Large Gold medal and Special Prize to “Vaccari news” at the International Exhibition pdf file
24/09/2012 The daily web magazine “Vaccari news”, selected as the best philatelic information site pdf file
08/03/2012 Vaccari news, nine years daily on-line pdf file
02/11/2010 Usfi award 2010 to Fabio Bonacina and Paolo Vaccari pdf file
05/03/2008 The daily paper "Vaccari news" changes its look - On-line for five years: towards 3,500 news pdf file
18/12/2007 Vaccari news becomes... daily pdf file
08/03/2007 Vaccari news - The goals: punctuality but also reliability pdf file
08/03/2006 On line the new site. Ten years in internet, three with the news pdf file
08/03/2005 "Vaccari news" is two pdf file
07/04/2003 With “Vaccari news” philately arrives in real time pdf file

Copyright © 2024 - 2003 Vaccari srl
tutti i diritti riservati
realizzato a partire dal mese di marzo 2003
registrazione Tribunale di Modena n.1854 del 4 dicembre 2007
direttore responsabile Fabio Bonacina
responsabile editoriale Valeria Vaccari
redazione e ufficio stampa Claudia Zanetti
Vaccari srl - Via M. Buonarroti, 46
41058 Vignola (MO) - Italy
Tel (+39) - (+39)
Fax (+39) 059.760157
Cap.Soc. euro 100.000 i.v.
Registro delle Imprese di Modena n. 01917080366
P.IVA IT-01917080366
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Vaccari srl non si ritiene responsabile di eventuali errori di collegamento nei link proposti, che vengono verificati solo all'atto dell'inserimento. Sarà gradita la comunicazione di eventuali cambiamenti per poter aggiornare i dati.