daily news magazine
editor Fabio Bonacina

27998 news from 8/3/2003

With «Vaccari news» philately
arrives in real time

Philately, day by day
On-line from 8 March 2003 completely free, «Vaccari news - philately in real time» is the daily on-line service in Italian by Vaccari srl which proposes news relevant to the world of the Post and philatelic collecting.

What published by «Vaccari news», html pages and images included, is covered by copyright. It can be used by other magazines, newspapers, …, provided that the source is correctly indicated and a message is sent to the editorial staff at redazionevaccarinews@vaccari.it.
Vaccari srl is not responsible for links (tested at first insertion) not properly functioning or that may cause problems. A notice to info@vaccari.it will be appreciated.

On-line since 2003
Born as a pilot project, an experiment, it has been greatly developed and it is now considered as a real daily paper. Even though regulations about the matter for those who operate in internet are still quite uncertain, Vaccari srl has decided to register it by the Law Court of Modena, on 4 December 2007. Editor is the journalist Fabio Bonacina, who has been coordinating the service since its birth.
For his job and his constant enthusiasm in favour of collecting, he has received the yearly award for journalism in 2006 by Riccione and in 2010 by the Italian Philatelic Press Union. In 2012, the daily paper has been recognized as the most important philatelic information web site by the members of the Italian “Club della filatelia d'oro”, and it has obtained the Large Gold medal and the Special Prize at the International Philatelic Literature Exhibition Iphla 2012. And Large Gold also at the International Italia 2018.
Revolutionizing the rhythms of philately, proposing real time information and utilizing the modern systems of communication, that is internet and the e-mail. This is, in brief, the approach of «Vaccari news».
«Even philately -Paolo Vaccari, chairman of the company, explains- can and has to keep up the pace of times, offering an updated service. With “Vaccari news”, we intend to follow this way, proposing fresh, up-to-date and exact information.»
«It was a sort of bet. When we started -the publishing director Valeria Vaccari explains- we did not have any example to follow, neither in Italy nor abroad. The few specialised services of this kind generally offered weekly updating. We wanted to inform our readers every day. And this is what we have been doing; we have never stopped, not even on Sundays or during the closing periods of the company. “Vaccari news” never goes on holiday!»

The App and social networks
In order to get a more and more direct and fast communication with readers, «Vaccari news» keeps up with the times by giving importance to portability and news sharing.
Since 2013, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of publication, the daily magazine is available also on the telephone or the tablet thanks to its App, at the beginning only for Apple and since 2015 also for Android systems. Moreover, it is possible to share news through social networks, e-mails, sms.
The menu allows a search by subject or specific word. Some of the additional services, for example archives, the list of shows and exhibitions, future issues of the Italian area, can be read only in the site.
Since 2013, «Vaccari news» has one specific page in Facebook and in Twitter to meet different needs. Interaction with the editorial staff is really easy: just click «I like it», or post opinions and considerations, or share news.

Many are the positive elements characterising this service; among them the possibility to beat the technical times of traditional paper publications, which are at least monthly. «Thanks to this product, we can reach the public some weeks in advance, if the interested person gets used to visiting our site or subscribes to the free newsletter.»
«Certainly, we do not enter into competition with the traditional periodical publications, which have the possibility to develop and examine closely every single piece of news. “Vaccari news” can represent a further source from where to obtain information.»
The quality and timeliness of the news published have made «Vaccari news» an effective and valid instrument not only for users who can read them at any time, but also for journalists and press agencies which often quote «Vaccari news» as the first source to spread news. Even Ansa, on many occasions, has shown interest in the news, and among the subscribers to the newsletter there are also Italian and foreign publishers.
Every day «Vaccari news» proposes at least one piece of information. «Our service works at 360 degrees, often playing on the edge of minutes, automatically indicated next to the text. This is why we have chosen the slogan “philately in real time”.»

«Vaccari news» deals not only with traditional philately, which has always been the company's forte, but also with postal history, thematics and specializations beyond the postage stamp, such as postmarks, machine philately, postal stationery.
It offers first-hand novelties from the Italian area (San Marino, Vatican City, Sovereign Military Order of Malta), foreign curiosities, news from the collecting and postal world, the most important meetings, new books on related subjects, and much more.
Reference point is always topicality, philatelic and postal aspects of what is happening around us, through real time news proposed in a synthetic, journalistic style.
It is possible to find specialised pieces of information for those who are lovers and scholars of the subject and more general news for the curious surfer. That is why the texts are often accompanied by images or links to specific sites for more and deeper information.

Besides news, the additional services
Many other services are available, and regularly updated.
On-line the programme for the issues of Italy, San Marino, Vatican and Sovereign Military Order of Malta, to be informed, in real time, about future issues, since there are frequent changes effected by Post Administrations.
Also available a further information channel about «Shows and exhibitions» in Italy, that is philatelic events, meetings, exhibitions, …, the most important philatelic happenings announced by the organizers.
Moreover, thanks to the news archives, anyone has the possibility to read all the news published through a search system by chronological order, category or key word.
Available the press releases too.

Site and newsletter
The news selected by the editorial staff are made immediately available to surfers at the site www.vaccarinews.it
Once a week, every Friday, all the pieces of information are gathered in a newsletter and sent free by e-mail to the subscribers. The form to fill in to take advantage of the free service is at the site under «Newsletter free subscription».

Copyright © 2024 - 2003 Vaccari srl
tutti i diritti riservati
realizzato a partire dal mese di marzo 2003
registrazione Tribunale di Modena n.1854 del 4 dicembre 2007
direttore responsabile Fabio Bonacina
responsabile editoriale Valeria Vaccari
redazione e ufficio stampa Claudia Zanetti
Vaccari srl - Via M. Buonarroti, 46
41058 Vignola (MO) - Italy
Tel (+39) - (+39)
Fax (+39) 059.760157
Cap.Soc. euro 100.000 i.v.
Registro delle Imprese di Modena n. 01917080366
P.IVA IT-01917080366
Il programma per la gestione di Vaccari news è stato appositamente creato e reso funzionante da fabioferrero.it.
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